To become an official member of Saber Guild, you must submit a costume that fits one of the current standards and have it approved by our Global Costume Consular staff (GCCs).
Each temple has a local costume consular (LCC) who is available to guide prospective members through the submission process, help them source costume pieces, and answer questions. Your LCC is responsible for submitting your costume and communicating with the Global Costume Consulars.
The Process
Each costume submission for Saber Guild requires a few things:
- Submission photos
- The submission form
- Submit the form and photos
Work with your LCC to assemble these.
Submission Photos
When taking submission photos, ensure that the costume is finished and in the state you intend to wear it to performances. Make sure your costume has been ironed and is in presentable condition.
Your costume submission needs the following photos:
- Front, back, left, and right sides of your costume.
- Close ups on your belt
- Close ups on your boots, showing front and back.
- Close ups on pouches and other belt accessories.
- Close up of your saber, both lit and unlit
- An “action shot”, an in-universe pose showing the character.
Your LCC will assist you in taking these.
The Application Form
Copy this form as the body of your submission email, fill it out, and submit it along with your photos to the Local Costume Consular of the temple that covers your area (Find your Temple).
If there is not an active temple in your area, you will need to submit your application the the Global Costume Consular.
If you need help and cannot find a local temple, please reach out to the Council using this form.
Please make a forum account at first before submitting your application.
Full Name of Applicant:
Applicant’s Email:
Applicant’s Date of Birth:
Applicant’s Address (City, State, Country):
Applicant’s Forum User Name:
Character’s Name:
Character’s Alliance (Jedi/Sith):
Character Bio:
Outer Tunic Color:
Under Tunic Color:
Tabards Color:
Obi / Sash Color:
Belt Color:
Pouch Color:
Trousers / Skirt Color:
Boot Color:
Armor Color:
Cloak Color:
Lightsaber Brand and Blade Color: