Our temples raise money for local charitable causes with every performance and event they do. We support a wide variety of charitable causes and we are proud to do so.
Despite our allegiances in the conflict between the Light and the Dark side, we are all on the same side when it comes to fundraising for a good cause!
Our members practice stage combat to make our performances both thrilling and safe. We love making the magic of Star Wars come to life for our audiences and playing out the eternal conflict between the Jedi and Sith.
All of our fights and shows are carefully choreographed and rehearsed. In addition to saber stage fighting, many of our members learn falls, rolls, unarmed stage combat, and other skills to bring the Star Wars universe to life!

Our temples do events to engage with and contribute to the community around them. The joy of Star Wars belongs to all people.
These types of events include Star Wars Reads days and other community events.